Wednesday 31 August 2011

My horoscope promotes bragging as the ingredient to success.

I am quickly catching up and reminiscing with my horoscope, on the previous weeks, in order to make connections with what has been predicted.  This week my horoscope has been extremely flexible. It is usually very flexible, yet this week it is more flexible than the previous weeks ,in which it has promoted its flexbibilty. Now that is flexible! Normally I am angered by its allusive manner. However, this week it has allowed me to mould my life to the generalised account of the lion and become the naive believer of the horoscope.

There is no need to be secretive about your aims. On the contrary, the more you advertise them at the moment, the greater your chances of success. This week's triple conjunction in your birth sign between the Sun, your rule, Mercury, planet of the mind, and Venus, planet of the heart, means that the more people know what you are up to, the more likely it is you will get the support that you need- be it personal, professional or even financial. With your head and your heart working together, you will know what you want to do with your life, and you will also have the energy and amibition necessary to achieve it. And as it would seem that you can do no wrong at the moment, you can be as adventurous as you like. You don't have to go to ridiciulous extremes, but you do have to set a more enegetic pace.

Now I don't know if it's my dirty mind, or the sexual frustration which the horoscope lady possesses, but it seems to me that there are undertones that it is okay for a Leo to become a prostitute, in this week's account  .  I shall elaborate...There is no need to be secretive about your aims. This suggests that the Leo should expressively induldge in their desires. They should be free, liberated and open to opinions. What is this source of  liberation and freedom? Prostituition. Obviously I am talking about the high escourt type here- alla Belle de Whore.

There is further evidence that this week's entry is promoting the occupation ,as the conflicts of the rule (Sun) mind (Mercury)and heart (Venus) confuse the loving leo gigilo, as one debates the loving relationship they possess with their client. And of course one should openly express their desires to become a worker of the night as they need  all the  personal, professional or even financial support they can find!


Incase you haven't realised by now I am being very sarcastic in the above. I am not being weird and actually suggesting that my horoscope would promote such a career...I am simply demonstrating how applicable horoscopes are and I apologise if the above offended any of you non-existent readers. Maybe I can now determine if  I even have any readers-through such shocking words. Do I have any readers? Speak now or forever hold your peace. I can take you on a date, if you do exsist,  presuming I only have male readers...

So now I am going to very quickly apply my life to the horoscope. During this week ( the week of the horoscope entry published in this blog) I was revising for my supplementary exam-as I did not take it during the examination season as I broke my ankle the day of the exam. Therefore, during this week, I was not secretive about my frustration towards the exam which I was supposed to take three months sooner. Apparantly, the advertisement of my revision is supposed to grant me success. I am expecting a first now, as I have further promoted the fact I was revising through my blog! If ever there was a time that I would like my horoscope to be accurate, then it would be now-thankyouplease.

...the more people know what you are up to, the more likely it is that you will get the support that you need. Sadly, nobody offered to revise for me during this week. I would have been very grateful if somebody would have revised and sat the exam for me. At the very least, someone could have absorbed my revision notes into a sponge and put them in my head-ready for the exam. But no-this did not happen. Selfish wankers. I should have maybe lied about personal issues, which prevented me from taking the exam once more. I could have spoken to the professional ,who is my tutor and begged, them to take it for me. I would have  finacially bribed the examination marker -if I knew who they were. However, the time has passed now, and I cannot help but feel that the information which my horoscope has provided me with has all been recieved a little too late. I wish my horoscope would inform me to tune into my horoscope sooner for the commencing week, in order to obtain advice which is always highly original and inspiring.

Suddenly, during revision week and according to my blog, I will know what I want to do with my life and can achieve it. I can tell you that I only wanted my exam to be done with during this week's account, and hadn't even thought beyond the examination day. In spite of this, I would like to thank my horoscope for subconsciously enabling me to realise my future amibitions, and that I can fufill them,even if I do not know what they are yet. However, my friend came back from India during this week and had a psychic reading done for me, and it read that I would achieve my life amibitions in fifteen years time. So it looks like I will achieve my life goals within a decent amount of years-shame I still do not know what those goals are just yeat though- as I like to keep my aims a little bit more short term. For example, clean the house, go to the supermarket, write my blog, go to uni, see my friends, go the shops, shop, brush my teeth, have a wee, "go out, have a fag, feel alright"....

I could apparantly be adventurous as I liked during this week, in regards to my revision. Why didn't I think to scuba dive and learn my lectures during this week? Silly me! Oh-but then I am reassured that I did not have to go to ridicilous extremes, but I needed to set a more energetic pace. Hopefully a slothpace will suffice as energetic, seeing as revision is a pretty stationary activity. See if  I was actually a prostitute then I would have benefited from this week's entry-being expermintal with different clients, but not pushing it to the point that I contracted an excessive amount of veneral diseases. I guess I should have just been a prostitute during this week afterall, atleast then my horoscope would have been more flexible, and therefore more satisfying then I had originally intended. (Spot the very subtle pun/innuendo).

Monday 29 August 2011

Appplying the Horoscope to something which is not evidently obvious.

I am delaying my retrospective anaylsis more and more.  My ungenuine and seemingly sensitive excuse follows: I like to believe I am doing this, as it provides a greater time scale for me to reflect on things which have occured, so I can truly engage with my horoscope. However, once more, I am finding myself with too many things to do which sadly distract me from discussing my horsoscopical account. *Crys deeply*...Effectively, I now have three blogs to attack, as opposed to my normal delay of two. This is not going to be an enjoyable expedition. Well, it isn't actually a journey, so it can't be an expedition...Maybe some form of metophorical journey? I am so poetic.

Another bloody long ramble of wank.


Some things take a long time to change, while others change in the blink of an eye. With Uranus, planet of sudden change, so prominent in your solar chart this week, changes over the next few days will be over and done with in a matter of seconds. One of the obivious results will be that something you once feared will no longer worry you in the slightest. Thursday's lively aspect between Mars, planet of action, and Pluto, planet of power, will both clear your mind and boost your energy, making it easy for you to choose a goal and not give up until you have reached it. However, there is also a danger that you will get carried away and push yourself harder , physically and mentally, than be wise. Be ambitious, but make sure you are kind to yourself as well.

This week's horoscope entry does not mention anything about travel, despite the notion that I went to Edinborough during this week. How dare the  horoscope of he Lion be so inconsiderate, as to  not notify all Leo's that they would be going away? The Swine! This means I now have to apply my life to this horoscope, instead of my horoscope being naturally compatable with my life...This is the last time I  make my life fit your ways!

Some things take a long time to change, while others change in the blink of an eye. We had to get up early on the morning of travelling to the land of bagpipes and whisky. This meant I had to get changed very quickly, I had to get changed in the blink of an eye , as I overslept and if I didn't get into my superhero outfit soon enough then we would miss the train. I didn't really get changed really quickly ,and I am not really  Superhero, but I had to tell a lie to make the story (I mean horoscope) fit my life. Additonally, if I was  Superhero then I wouldn't actually have to catch a train. In spite of all this, you can still call me Clark Kent.

Uranus provided a sudden change in my life. Suddenly, after a four hour long train journey, I was in Scot-land. This left me suprised. I was in a land far away from Eng-land, and the diffence in culture was very shocking to me. I was submerged into a world full of comical induldegment. My usual poliete and courteous demenour was long gone, as I was in the country renown for prosititutes and weed...My bad-I mean the mighty drug that shall not be named...Haggis. Upon arrival we consumed a heavy amount of haggis- changes were occuring with a matter of minutes-we were greeted with a culture which tainted our taste palletes. Our worlds would never be the same again. My horoscope is so wise in informing me that I would try haggis. Oh wait -it didn't tell me that I would try haggis, and I didn't try haggis. I suppose by not informing me of something, my horoscope proves to be ironically accurate?

...something you once feared will no longer worry you in the slightest. Haggis worries me deeply. However, considering the fact that I did not get to try Haggis, I cannot say that it no longer worries me. Unless my horoscope refers to the notion that I did not eat the ball of squashed sheep's guts, and in effect I am not worried by Haggis anymore, as I am not in Scotland and its presence does not threaten me? My horoscope is such a loving paradox.
Thursday's lively aspect between Mars, planet of action, and Pluto, planet of power...Thursday was the day of returning home. A combination of  the action ridden fuel of the Mar bar ,with the power of the dopey disney dog, allowed us to reach our goal-home. However, there was a hurdle which prevented us from returning home. My friend seemed to have lost her train ticket home. We had ten minutes to find the ticket, as our train was leaving in ten minutes. I asked the ticket man what the consequences would be if she could not find her ticket, as we only had ten minutes, and he told us she would have to buy a new ticket. Effectively, we tried harder to find the ticket with only eight minutes left until we could catch our train. We created a plan, my friend would pretend she had lost her purse, and once more ask the ticket man what we would have to do. Once more- her informed us that a new ticket would have to be purchased. We had four minutes to find the ticket. No ticket-three minutes. No ticket-two minutes. I went through the barrier and shouted to my friend,"Come through the barrier with me-it's our only hope!". She informed me that the barrier was weight dependent , and would not let her through. I was not going to give up! We had to reach our goal, and get home! I told her to lie to the ticket man and pretend she lost her purse, once more, and pretend she was going to buy a new ticket...Did she make it through...

...Yes she made it through. We got on the train, and after an hour of her hiding in the toilets, so she wouldn't have to face the abuse of the ticket man on the train-we were safe. Four hours later-we made it home. Thankfully, with the power of the marsbar and the soft pluto teddybear we made it home safely, and did not give up. That story truly demonstrates the accuracy/ high application levels which my horoscope posseses! It even warned us that there would be a danger that we would push ourselves physically and mentally.I can tell you now-despite the fact that I mock my horoscope on a regular basis- that train journey did seem dangerous due to the fact we feared the consequences of hiding and lying. We genuinely felt physically and mentally drained.

 I did actually eat a marsbar on the train allowed me to be kind to myself, during the ambitious my to return home. It's just a shame Pluto wasn't there to share the experience...

Tuesday 16 August 2011

After a second delay in the creation of the Blog, I have decided that I lose interest in things too quickly...Not that I didn't realise that as a nine year old. I am already doubting creating this blog, as my horoscopes are proving to be uninspiring and predictable. Effectively, my blog entries are becoming mundane and predictable due to the predictabilty of the horscope. This is all becoming a bit predictable. In effect, I cannot help but feel what I am writing is becoming predictable...

I have been busy for the past fornight, which has prevented me from executing my blog entries. I wish my horoscope could just say to me, "You are too busy for this pointless exercise-GIVE IT UP ALREADY!". That would be a very accurate prediction-yet the entries continue to tease me with generalised weekly accounts of the future. I'm going to keep this week's anaylsis short and sweet (for the horoscope which was published just over two weeks ago) as I already feel unispired by the predictablity. Do you sense my dispair at the predictablity yet?

You will either push yourself too hard or not hard enough this week: for some strange reason you will be attracted to extremes. A difficult aspect between the Sun, your ruler, and Jupiter, planet of excess, warns that the one thing you must not do is push others into corners where they have no choice but to come out fighting. A win-at-all-costs attitude is likely to cost you more than you bargained for. And don't waste time worrying about money. Your financial position may not be as healthy as you would like it to be, but neither is it as bad as it seems. You many be decisive by nature, but with communication planet Mercury turning retrograde in the money area of your chart, this is not the right time to make far-reaching decisions about what you own and what you earn. You will gain more in the long term if you leave it well alone for now.

You will either push yourself too hard or not hard enough this week...I read something very similar to this statement  in a horoscope entry from a few weeks ago. I wonder if the horoscope person , who creates the horoscopes, simply has a a collection of automated sentences which they shuffle every now and then to bring something new to the table...I predict that by the end of September my horoscope will tell me that I am "pushing" myself "too hard", again. I am pushing myself too hard to carry out these blogs each week- and I'm not even doing them every week!

Apparantly the planet of excess was communicating with me during this week. The only thing which seemed excessive during this week was dinner I had on the Tuesday. I can remember it well. A meal for two -Indian Banquet from Tesco- made me and my friend feel like vomcanos. She vommed up the meal a week later-it was that excessively disgusting. The acidic custardy rice granules were not right. I know custard and rice is not a normal combination of flavours, but I am open to suggestions. I am all about being excessive. This did cause my friend and I to come out of the meal fighting over whose stupid idea it was to eat custard and rice. We should have stuck with our normal desires to nibble on crisps smothered in Coke...

bargained Just a mere seems as though the horoscope is all about the puns and does not take their job seriously. I am volunteering to analyse my horoscope on a weekly basis here mate! I would normally appreciate a good pun, however it is irritating when I am struggling to find something reasonably accurate amongst all of the wank that is already written in my horoscope. Fair play nobody is forcing me to analyse my horoscope, but I don't want to read waffle amongst the horoscope. If I wanted waffle I would simply read your predicitions, without the added puns...Oh balls-dropped myself it there. My horoscope is a load of waffle. Why did I not come to this conclusion sooner?

Your financial position may not be as healthy as you would like it to be, but neither is it as bad as it seems. I am not  excessively rich enough to buy all of the drugs I want to get my daily drug fix. Additonally, I am not excessively poor from all the drugs I have purchased recently. Thankfully, you can buy paracetemol at reasonal prices these days! It seems my horoscope is rather contradictive, telling me I am all about the excess one minute, and that I am an average being next. You sure do know how to make a girl feel special!

Mercury turning retrograde in the money area of your chart, this is not the right time to make far-reaching decisions about what you own and what you earn. Looks like the planet who finacially supports me turned his back on me, and left me poor this week. Or was that the standing order for my rent eating into my finances which left me poverty-stricken?

You will gain more in the long term if you leave it well alone for now. AMBIGUITY ALERT! ALERT FOR AMBIGUITY! Leave what alone? It? Does it refer to money, or my penis? If it refers to money, then my horoscope should have just said leave your MONEY well alone, and stop spending all your money in gaybars! My horoscope is so wise, telling me that I will have more money if I don't spend it, IT is aware of the interest which banks provide for their customers these days. Shame that my horoscope didn't inform me of how long I am supposed to leave my money alone for. I know we've had issues, but I cannot ignore it forever-it will start to get lonely. Money buys all of my happiness, so I am going to be sad and lonely for some time-until my horoscope permits me to touch my dollars again. Sad face :(.

After that brief and half-hearted anaylsis, I'll tell you something for nothing (keeping in with the financial based theme), I cannot wait for the shorter Leo entries to come back to me!

Thursday 4 August 2011

Let the Leo Meet the Lion. Finally feeling a Connection.

This week's entry was regarded in retrospect to my birthday week, the week focused upon celebrating the time I popped out of my mother's mouth...As my 21st birth was such a momentous occasion, it consisted of five days worth of celebrating with boxes of celebrations, I was prevented from updating my blog due to such shoddy merriments.

I know I keep saying that I feel as though I am bonding more with my horoscope, (although I am probably sensing a greater connection with my blog) but I really feel something for this week's entry. I could go all the way with this entry...Nonetheless, as it's the entry associated with my birthday I do not want to eliminate the essence of birthday joy through my pessimistic views upon horoscopes ,so I am most likely forcing connections and building bridges. I need to be a deluded horoscope believer at some point, right? Why not make the connection with my horoscope, on my birthday week? It is most likely the only time a bond will occur with my horoscope, during the year of blogging on horoscopes, so I need to make it special. Afterall, I am still high on helium, alcohol and sugar so I can be excused for wanting a relationship with my horoscope, for this week only!

Here is a typical lion, I mean line, used to introduce people at partys,"Leo, this is Lion. Lion, this is Leo". (Pun intended- shows the connection I made with my horoscope during party week). Well I though it was clever!

P.S My birthday was July 26th, just incase any reader wished to wish me a "Happy Birthday!"

Because this week's New Moon falls in your birth sign, it looks like a special week, the kind when self-belief makes all things possible. It's also the kind of week when, if there is a new direction that you want to explore or a new way of life you want to experience, little things like lack of money must not hold you back. Besides, with the added benefit of intelligent Mercury moving in your favour on the financial front you should soon be able to find a solution to any cashflow  problems. Venus, planet of love and harmony, in your sign from Thursday, adds the final touch to a near perfect week, in which you feel at one with the world. And if the world does not feel at one with you, well, not everyon can be as gracious and giving as you are. Just make sure you don't give too much-your reserves of love are not unlimited.

It looks like a special week, the kind when self-belief makes all things possible. Last week...last week was a special week. I had the most enjoyable birthday, and I don't normally like birthdays. My friends and family were the ones who made it special, so I do not know where self belief comes into play. However, I did arrange my birthday meal... trip to the theatre... and birthday party... I would not have had a special week , if it wasn't for my own self-belief in being able to make a few plans and contact a few friends. Sorry, I couldn't stick to the gushy stuff for too long!

 Little things like lack of money did not hold me back last week. Daddy paid for my birthday meal ,and my yacht, new horse and porche. The trip to the theatre to regarde Le Lion King  had already been paid for (I know- I could have been more intellectual and seen Shrek the Musical). In addition, my party had offically made me bankrupt. Therefore, lack of money was not an issue, as I was already skint in favour of my birthday week. Horoscope- you are so flexible this week. Maybe your predicitve accuracy compensates for my lack of funds? Well, I want my money back! front you should soon be able to find a solution to any cashflow  problems. OH HI PAYDAY! OH HI BIRTHDAY MONEY! OH HI DEPOSIT BACK FROM MY OLD FLAT! These wealthy events occured during my birthday week. I do not feel like emphasising the predictive pattern anymore here.

Venus, planet of love and harmony, in your sign from Thursday, adds the final touch to a near perfect week, in which you feel at one with the world. My buffday Parrrtttttttyyyyy was on Thursday, and I touched everyone there. I was hoping it would turn into a mass orgy, but sadly this did not happen, so I could not entirely feel at one with the world.Nonetheless, the planet of love arrived on Thursday in a bundle of love, due to the presence of my friends at my PARRRTTYYYY!! If I had not have felt hungover on Friday, then it would have been a near perfect week as I would have felt like a daisy at one with the world. I felt at one with my guts, that's for sure. Guts-World-same difference.

And if the world does not feel at one with you, well, not everyone can be as gracious and giving as you. Nobody is as gracious or as giving as me, so don't give me that one! You condescending entry. I jest. I am pretty sure everyone felt at one with me on Thursday. Afterall, I was dressed as Mr Blobby for my Party, and everyone has a fetish for Blobby. Nobody could keep their hands off me. Mr Blobby is so gracious in his presence and giving of his chubness. Therefore, nobody is as giving as me. I don' take it back, as I did suggest a Blobby orgy on several occassions!

Just make sure you don't give too much-your reserves of love are not unlimited. But Blobby's chubbess is unlimited, so it is all good.

I  finally felt at one with my horoscope during my Birthday week. It obviously did not want to be an individual who did not feel at one with me, or feel less giving than me. It was finally so caring...Selfish horoscope. That's right it's all about you. You always have to steal my thunder. Just when I thought we were at one, because it was my birthday week, we are acutally at one because you want to be better than me! We are over!!

Same time next week??

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Reach for the moon and you'll hit the stars. Oh HI horoscope positivity...

Hello to all my avid fans out there !!If I actually have any fans out there, I might have to create my own fan page for a little extra publicity.I know you have missed me. Again, I am most likely just talking to a vaccum in cyberspace, a vaccum which wants to eliminate my blog. Alas, after being busy sorting out celebrations for celebrating popping out of my mothers fufu for the  21st time, I return to my blog.

It feels as though I have been busy doing nothing for the past two weeks. It must be because I have been very busy with my new boyfriend, or should I say imaginary boyfriend?  He has prevented me from regarding five sentences that predict my life for the week ahead. Stupid imaginary boyfriend!! I am pulling your leg by the way, I just wanted to pretend I was one of those girls who blames everything on their boyfriend, and considering I am single I had to create a pretend boyfriend for a few moments in order to forge some lame excuse. Despite being a bit weird, I am not that weird!

I need to catch up on two horoscope entries in two days, as I need to execute the most recent anaylsis this weekend ,since I am buggering off to Edinburgh for a bit next week. The stress of writing two blog entries in two days is crucifying me, I just do not know how I will do it. I am so stressed! How will I do it? Oh yeah, I've started one of them now. Thankfully, I deal with stress exceptionally well. I have the abilities to birth a baby elephant and complete an exam in karate ,whilst smoking a kebab, so this blog dilemma is a breeze...

My horoscope entry for the week commencing 17/07/2011 oozed an exceptional amount of positivity. It wasn't particulary predictive, nonetheless it had an attitude which injected me with the attitude of "YOU GO GIRLFRIEND". Therefore, I am going to embrace this week's entry. It made me feel reasurred in life, as I was becoming such a broken indiviudal due to stresses involving what to have for dinner.

As one cylce ends so another begins, and with the sun your ruler, moving into your birth sign next Saturday, this would be a good week to relinquish your hold on things you no longer have use for. The more you dispense with now, the more space you will have for something better in the weeks ahead. What other people think, say or do is of no importance-only one person's opionions matter and that person is you. What you do- or don't do- over the subsequent four weeks will set the tone for the rest of the year, so make sure they are as good as they can be. The best way to end your solar year is to look back on the things you have done over the past 12 months. What matters most in life is not that you win the game or make a million pounds but that you learn about yourself. So, what have you learned?

On first impressions, this horoscope entry seems very eager for me to commit my time to household chores. It hints at me that I should wash my clothes, tumble dry them, and then put another load of washing in...As one cylce ends so another begins. I have been doing two loads of washing within an hour recently, it's so clever how my horoscope predicted that I would become domestic Goddess. I cleared out the fridge and kitchen cupboards the other week, The more you dispense with now, the more space you will have for something better in the weeks ahead, maybe this suggests that the mouldy apples in the fruitbowl will be replaces with pomegranates soon enough. I tell you something readers...I cannot wait to have pomegranates in my fruit bowl! How exciting!!

OH MY GOD! I just had an ephinany. I think the horoscope entry for this week has just revealed my secret identity... I am the Goddess Persephone!!There are clues. It encourages me to be a domestic Goddess, and put Pomegranates in my fruitbowl...Do you see where I am coming from?? I am coming from a saratirical viewpoint, that you can apply anything to a horoscope and make your monotonous life fit a few vague sentences. Sorry,  I just wanted to prove how my horoscope is still remaining very secretive. I want facts and figures. Will I meet Hulk Hogan at 2.13pm on a Wednesday next week, whilst at the cinema? You cannot? I will not put my faith into my horoscope until incidents similar to this are predicted and experienced.

What other people think, say or do is of no importance-only one person's opionions matter and that person is you. So, if one of my friends says that they are deeply depressed, I am supposed to reply ,"Go away, I do not care about you, as I am very important."? In all seriousness, I understand that is not what is implicated here, I have done something which fits this statement recently involving my my own interests. Yet, I am not going to write it in this in my blog as I do not wish to jynx it. How ironic?! The only time my horoscope seems accurate, and I cannot express what has occured. 

 What you do- or don't do- over the subsequent four weeks will set the tone for the rest of the year, so make sure they are as good as they can be. Considering, it has only been two weeks since this entry was published, I cannot yet determine if what will set the tone for the rest of the year has occured. On the other hand, it may involve what I cannot speak about. It's like I am too afraid to mention the name VOLDERMORT or something. Even that was less scary, then jynxing my future life plans. The threat of mentioning the name of the scary mythical  wizard Voldermort ,I mean real, feels less worring then what I cannot name! Don't worry readers, I haven't killed anyone or done anything illegal. Well not that I know of...

 The best way to end your solar year is to look back on the things you have done over the past 12 months. I did have to do this  a few weeks back, in order to get back the tax that I over paid from my last job, so this is rather accurate. Although, fundamentally all stories consist of nostalgia, as they are based in the past. Therefore, I/ we always look back over the past 12 months, especially when we have birthdays coming up. Horoscope- you are so intelligent for determining that I had a birthday coming up in late July, considering you are a horoscope sign which is associated with birthdays located between 24 July-23 August.

What matters most in life is not that you win the game or make a million pounds but that you learn about yourself. So, what have you learned? Thanks, thanks a lot! I am presuming that this means that I will always be a loser, and will never have an excessive amount of money in life. However, my life is okay as I know who I am. Horoscope- you need to hold yourself back on the cliches. You really know how to make a girl feel special. Anyway, what have I learned? That I am sexy and indepedent like Ciara, and my goodies stay in the jar. Additionally, I am able to deal with the pressure of writing two blogs in two days. If I have time to write my other blog tomorrow...