Tuesday, 16 August 2011

After a second delay in the creation of the Blog, I have decided that I lose interest in things too quickly...Not that I didn't realise that as a nine year old. I am already doubting creating this blog, as my horoscopes are proving to be uninspiring and predictable. Effectively, my blog entries are becoming mundane and predictable due to the predictabilty of the horscope. This is all becoming a bit predictable. In effect, I cannot help but feel what I am writing is becoming predictable...

I have been busy for the past fornight, which has prevented me from executing my blog entries. I wish my horoscope could just say to me, "You are too busy for this pointless exercise-GIVE IT UP ALREADY!". That would be a very accurate prediction-yet the entries continue to tease me with generalised weekly accounts of the future. I'm going to keep this week's anaylsis short and sweet (for the horoscope which was published just over two weeks ago) as I already feel unispired by the predictablity. Do you sense my dispair at the predictablity yet?

You will either push yourself too hard or not hard enough this week: for some strange reason you will be attracted to extremes. A difficult aspect between the Sun, your ruler, and Jupiter, planet of excess, warns that the one thing you must not do is push others into corners where they have no choice but to come out fighting. A win-at-all-costs attitude is likely to cost you more than you bargained for. And don't waste time worrying about money. Your financial position may not be as healthy as you would like it to be, but neither is it as bad as it seems. You many be decisive by nature, but with communication planet Mercury turning retrograde in the money area of your chart, this is not the right time to make far-reaching decisions about what you own and what you earn. You will gain more in the long term if you leave it well alone for now.

You will either push yourself too hard or not hard enough this week...I read something very similar to this statement  in a horoscope entry from a few weeks ago. I wonder if the horoscope person , who creates the horoscopes, simply has a a collection of automated sentences which they shuffle every now and then to bring something new to the table...I predict that by the end of September my horoscope will tell me that I am "pushing" myself "too hard", again. I am pushing myself too hard to carry out these blogs each week- and I'm not even doing them every week!

Apparantly the planet of excess was communicating with me during this week. The only thing which seemed excessive during this week was dinner I had on the Tuesday. I can remember it well. A meal for two -Indian Banquet from Tesco- made me and my friend feel like vomcanos. She vommed up the meal a week later-it was that excessively disgusting. The acidic custardy rice granules were not right. I know custard and rice is not a normal combination of flavours, but I am open to suggestions. I am all about being excessive. This did cause my friend and I to come out of the meal fighting over whose stupid idea it was to eat custard and rice. We should have stuck with our normal desires to nibble on crisps smothered in Coke...

bargained for...money. Just a mere observation...it seems as though the horoscope is all about the puns and does not take their job seriously. I am volunteering to analyse my horoscope on a weekly basis here mate! I would normally appreciate a good pun, however it is irritating when I am struggling to find something reasonably accurate amongst all of the wank that is already written in my horoscope. Fair play nobody is forcing me to analyse my horoscope, but I don't want to read waffle amongst the horoscope. If I wanted waffle I would simply read your predicitions, without the added puns...Oh balls-dropped myself it there. My horoscope is a load of waffle. Why did I not come to this conclusion sooner?

Your financial position may not be as healthy as you would like it to be, but neither is it as bad as it seems. I am not  excessively rich enough to buy all of the drugs I want to get my daily drug fix. Additonally, I am not excessively poor from all the drugs I have purchased recently. Thankfully, you can buy paracetemol at reasonal prices these days! It seems my horoscope is rather contradictive, telling me I am all about the excess one minute, and that I am an average being next. You sure do know how to make a girl feel special!

Mercury turning retrograde in the money area of your chart, this is not the right time to make far-reaching decisions about what you own and what you earn. Looks like the planet who finacially supports me turned his back on me, and left me poor this week. Or was that the standing order for my rent eating into my finances which left me poverty-stricken?

You will gain more in the long term if you leave it well alone for now. AMBIGUITY ALERT! ALERT FOR AMBIGUITY! Leave what alone? It? Does it refer to money, or my penis? If it refers to money, then my horoscope should have just said leave your MONEY well alone, and stop spending all your money in gaybars! My horoscope is so wise, telling me that I will have more money if I don't spend it, IT is aware of the interest which banks provide for their customers these days. Shame that my horoscope didn't inform me of how long I am supposed to leave my money alone for. I know we've had issues, but I cannot ignore it forever-it will start to get lonely. Money buys all of my happiness, so I am going to be sad and lonely for some time-until my horoscope permits me to touch my dollars again. Sad face :(.

After that brief and half-hearted anaylsis, I'll tell you something for nothing (keeping in with the financial based theme), I cannot wait for the shorter Leo entries to come back to me!

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